Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Trend of Trending

Nowadays the most important part of social media is making sure you're a part of social media. Adults, young adults in particular, are obsessed with keeping up with the latest news and trends that circulate throughout social media. If it's new and everyone else is doing it, you can bet your ass they will be too.

There are two common types of trends nowadays:

- Long term, or more permanent
- Short term, or more temporary

Long term social media are things like websites and apps for your smartphone or tablet, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and others of the like -- essentially they're those things that take up the biggest part of our time whenever we're on our phones.

These four (and many others) are the outlets through which we are able to view and take part in the shorter term trends, which often have a very short life expectancy, as opposed to the longer term trends.

These are things like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge;

Or the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge (which, if you didn't know, is a horrible idea - basically turns you into a character from Monsters Inc);

Or the debate over the color of one simple dress (and for the record, neuroscientists discovered the answer: it's blue).

The interesting thing is that the longer term trends seem to be focused more on us - on Facebook and Twitter it's all about updating our status, and Instagram and Snapchat are about sharing pictures of what we are doing.

The shorter term trends, however, seem to be about others, and how we can take part in them; the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, the Kylie JennerLip Challenge, and the "is it blue or is it gold?" debate over the dress -- all are trends that stemmed from other people, that we then ingrained ourselves into. And, once we have exhausted the trend and it no longer benefits or focuses on us, we move on to the next one just as quickly as we'd jumped onto the bandwagon with the previous ones.

No wonder the older generation is always wagging their fingers at us...


Tsk tsk tsk...
  - Robyn

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