Moving on, in terms of the confrustating new emojis that Snapchat has added to, umm, actually... does anyone have any idea why the hell they actually added them? Because, in reality, all they really seem to be doing is both confusing and frustrating the hell out of all of us. And us millenials (or whatever the older folks are calling us these days) have very short attention spans and tend to not be able to focus or want to work to figure anything out on our own (see my previous post on Google! God that's a funny word, such a long ooooooh sound. Anyhow!) Where was I? Oh yeah, short attention span and laziness when it comes to understanding things. And this, my dear readers, is where I come in to save the daaaaaaay! I'm like Robin, except my name's spelled with a Y, and I don't wear that ridiculous looking costume.
For the help and education of all, I'm here to present to you my research (found through Google!) on what I found out about the meanings of these ridiculous little emojis.
They are as follows:
What does the Yellow Heart emoji mean?
- This shows up after the name of your number one best friend, the person who you send the most snaps to and who also sends their highest number of snaps to you.
What does the Grimacing Face emoji mean?
- Indicates that your number one best friend is also their number one best friend.
What does the Face with Sunglasses emoji mean?
- One of your best friends is one of their best friends. This means that you both send a crapload of snaps to that one person.
What does the Smirking Face emoji mean?
- Someone who sends you a lot of snaps, but you don’t send a lot of snaps back to. Not cool, bro.
What does the Smiling Face emoji mean?
- A best friend, but not your best best friend.
What does the Fire emoji mean?
- This shows that you have begun a “snapstreak” - meaning you've sent this person snaps on consecutive days. If this shows, it will also tell you how many days you’ve kept up the streak.
Annnd there you are, dear readers. The simplest way I could find to sum up what I found out about the so called "meanings" of these ridiculous emojis - as though they have a real meaning. Although, I mean, when I see my real life best best friend and I'm not their best best friend on Snapchat, I do immediately grow concerned for the state of our relationship, and snapstreak them as much as possible so as to solidify my place in their life. As though Snapchat is totally what determines ones real friends - riiiight people. In the words of Michelle Tanner, "Puuuhhhleaaase". Although, ironically enough, it really doesn't - and yet we still feel as though it does, or at least that it should reflect our real life friends, and we become terrified it it doesn't. I myself am an example of this, as I have been fretting the last two days about my best friend and neighbor of 13 years, and the fact that I'm not her best best friend. Ridiculous, right? I'm pathetic.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a snapstreak to continue....
Snapplause to all,
- Robyn
I love the words you made up! Confrustration, snapstreak and snapplause. All very creative and hilarious. (My computer doesn't like them though--> red squiggly lines).
ReplyDeleteThis is a cool topic because I have always wondered what those emojis were for. I guess I just have best best friends. But in reality they are friends from college I see like five times a year.
Great topic!